

Welcome to Wayland Girl Scouts in Wayland, MA!


Welcome to the Wayland Girl Scouts Service Unit!

We are a thriving community of over 250 girls, from Loker, Happy Hollow, Claypit Hill, Wayland Middle School, and Wayland High School, in grades K-12. We have been active in Wayland for many years, and have won numerous President's Awards for our contributions to the Wayland community.

At the Wayland Girl Scouts Service Unit, we believe that every girl has the potential to be a leader. Our programs are designed to help girls develop their skills, confidence, and character. We offer a variety of activities and events, including:

  • Camping and outdoor adventures
  • STEM programs and workshops
  • Community service projects
  • Leadership training
  • And more!

Through Girl Scouts, girls learn to work together, solve problems, and make a difference in their world. They also develop lifelong friendships and memories.

If you are interested in joining the Wayland Girl Scouts Service Unit, please visit our website or contact us at WaylandGSLeaders@gmail.com. We would love to have you join our community!

Wayland Daisies and Brownies - Sign-up for Try-It Day (1/12/25)

Posted on Dec 17 2024 - 10:49am

Hi Daisy and Brownie families,

Every year the 4th grade Girl Scouts invite the Daisies and Brownies to earn a Brownie badge at Try-It Day. This year the girls can explore fun and interactive sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste stations to earn their Senses badge! The event will be held at the Wayland Scout House and run between 3-4:30pm on Sunday, January 12. Registration is required and there is a $5 fee to cover materials and badges.
*Food will be part of the tasting station, so please note all food allergies on the registration/waiver form.

Wednesday after school Middle School Fashion Crafting Session

Posted on Oct 14 2024 - 9:41pm

Hi Middle School Scouts!

My name is Emma Gargano and I'm a senior working on my gold award. Join me Wednesday, 10/16, after school for a Fashion Crafting Session! Details below.

Middle School Cultural Celebration Events

Posted on Sep 22 2024 - 6:44pm

Hi Scouts,

Please support Emma's Gold Award project by attending one (or both!) of her cultural celebration events.  These events are open to all middle schoolers and are held after school on 10/2 and 10/16.  Registration is required. Details and registration link are below:

We have a new Wayland Girl Scouts website

Posted on Nov 19 2023 - 10:58pm

Hello all, 

We have a new Wayland GS website, and its best feature is this eblast functionality. You will receive this email weekly, and it will give you a chance to see all upcoming events that your Scout can register for. Your login will be sent to you in a separate email. This can be used to sign up for all upcoming events, such as Wayland Cookie University! 

Brownies are Awesome!

Posted on Oct 11 2023 - 6:14pm

Hi All, 

We just want to remind you that our troop is amazing and we are excited for this year of adventures!

Erica and Natalie

Wayland Service Unit #473

    Wayland, MA

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